Monogram Panavia Tornado GR.1
June 1, 2013sprue shots2
June 1, 20133
June 1, 20134
June 1, 20135
June 1, 2013parts in bag6
June 1, 2013construction of tail pieces7
June 3, 2013starting to paint cockpit8
June 5, 2013repainted cockpit pieces in Humbrol Medium Sea Gray9
June 6, 2013bang seats installed10
June 8, 2013fuselage buttoned up11
June 8, 2013radome with nose weight added12
June 16, 201313
June 20, 2013front seams cleaned up14
June 20, 2013intakes on15
June 23, 2013started adding some color to the forward section16
June 27, 2013changed paint colors17
July 7, 201318
July 7, 201319
July 11, 201320
July 11, 201321
July 11, 201322
July 12, 201323
July 15, 2013nose fairing added24
July 15, 2013partly glossed with some weapons25
July 16, 201326
July 21, 2013first decals on27
July 23, 2013right side decals started28
July 25, 2013nose art added29
July 25, 2013started decals on the left side30
July 26, 201331
July 27, 2013more left side decals32
July 30, 2013under side national markings33
August 2, 2013landing gear legs on34
August 3, 2013wheels going on35
August 6, 2013clear flat on sides and bottom36
August 15, 201337
August 18, 2013drop tanks and outboard wing stations38
August 19, 201339
August 21, 2013windscreen, canopy, and pitot on40
September 2, 2013last decals on41
September 6, 2013It's done. Top view.42
September 6, 2013Right view.43
September 6, 2013Left view.44
September 6, 2013Front view.45
September 6, 2013On the shelf behind Airfix HS.125 and beside ESCI F-104S.
1 June 2013, 18:59