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Gary Wintin (GaryWintin)

Dicker Max Complete

Photo 1 of 18


19 August 2013, 12:40
Holger Kranich
Oh yeah, thats a nice one!
How was the build? Did you gave your Max some Friuls?
 19 August 2013, 13:19
Gary Wintin Yazar
OH no .. I can never touch Friuls metal track. So expensive. The Build was long and quite stressing ( due to numerous small parts ) but I really enjoyed it
 19 August 2013, 13:51
Holger Kranich
I can see that you enjoyed the build, the frontarmorplate looks superb!
 19 August 2013, 13:59
Fabian D.
what a nice Max!
which figures did you use? quite interresting poses... but there is a moulding seam on the comanders pointing arm😉
 19 August 2013, 14:34
Gary Wintin Yazar
Ahh Damn it. I missed have missed one seam. I used Mini-Art Figures
 19 August 2013, 18:19
Kim Branders
Nice one Gary, Grtz Kim
 20 August 2013, 06:12
Michal Z.
I love your macro of the guns! 😄
great work! 🙂
 20 August 2013, 18:20
Gary Wintin Yazar
Thank you Kim and Michal
 23 August 2013, 01:25

Project info

18 Görüntüler
1:35 "DICKER MAX" (Dragon 6357)

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