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Holger Kranich (Booze)

A little Tomcat tribute!

Photo 1 of 25


25 September 2013, 12:17
Holger Kranich Yazar
Always a pleasure to watch...
 25 September 2013, 13:51
Xenia V.
Nice, but not as good looking as Phantoms (or Hornets! 😉 )!
 25 September 2013, 14:07
Holger Kranich Yazar
Thats blast-phemy!;););)
 25 September 2013, 14:10
Es-haq Khosravi
Nice Pix! Thank you!
 25 September 2013, 14:29
Mike Goldberg
Nice pictures. I love the Tomcat; it's a really beautiful aircraft. My dad actually designed one of the computers for the -14D. I was lucky enough to be able to see the last two 'Cats retirement ceremony at Farmingdale Republic Airport a few years ago. I also have some schematics of the Tomcat that might help some builders...
 25 September 2013, 15:43
Holger Kranich Yazar
Mike, you lucky guy! I´ve never seen a Tomcat live...
What kind of schematics do you mean?
 25 September 2013, 15:45
Es-haq Khosravi
Wow Mike!
 25 September 2013, 15:51
Hey Holly,

Big E was inactivated on December 1st 2012 However the name will live on, CVN-80 will be the 6th to carry the name.
 25 September 2013, 18:14
Mike Goldberg
I have technical schematics. I'm sure the exact type of schematics, but I know they are technical schematics. I can try scanning them, I'll just have to ask my dad if anything is still classified, though.
 25 September 2013, 18:46
Christian Meyerhoff
Nice shots Holger, always good to see a Tomcat!
 25 September 2013, 18:56
Frank Krause
Looks like somebody is getting ready to build a 1:32 Tamiya Tomcat, Holger?
Nice pics! Thanks for sharing!
 25 September 2013, 19:02
Christian Bruer
Thanx for posting but sad to see them gone🙁
 25 September 2013, 19:29
Clifford Keesler
Any where any time baby, the Hornet is only a pretender to the throne, The only other Navy aircraft that can hold a candle to the Tomcat is the Phantom, I had the pleasure to work with both, No comments on my age please.
 25 September 2013, 21:20
Holger Kranich Yazar
@Clifford:;) You lucky guy!

@Frank: Everytime i see the kit, i think to myself: "You just have to wait a little... Just some more AM and you are good to go!;)"

@Augie: Phew, I just missed the retirement totally! But good to hear that there will be a new BIG E! THX for info!
 26 September 2013, 06:26
Holger Kranich Yazar
@Christian: Can you remember the last time a carrier was in the Jadefahrwasser? Or in the near of Wilhelmshaven? If i remember right, the last time, the Nimitz was here, but thats years ago!
 26 September 2013, 06:29
Christian Meyerhoff
@ Holger: The Nimitz visited Wilhelmshaven two times in 1975 and 1985. In 1985 I had the chance to go aboard the carrier, cause i was invited by two F-14 pilots. I will never forget this event. I was allowed to watch everything from the top of the bridge to the aircraft hangars and to take pictures from the flight deck. I will scan the pictures and post them here.
 26 September 2013, 07:18
Holger Kranich Yazar
Oh Christian, scans would be most welcome!
 26 September 2013, 11:03
Christian Meyerhoff
Geht gleich los!
 26 September 2013, 17:28
"Hornets are gay"...thats a good one, thanks for sharing!
 26 September 2013, 18:03
Xenia V.
Heh, that makes me want to build a Hornet painted in a rainbow... 😄
 27 September 2013, 00:45
Bill Gilman
Love that VF-31 shot with the flag - that photo and another like it were the inspiration for my Tomcat build. 🙂
 27 September 2013, 03:21
Bill Gilman
But I don't like that photo of the F-14 getting scrapped and ready for the shredder. 🙁
 27 September 2013, 03:23
Holger Kranich Yazar
@Bill: Thats why i gave the Tomcat/Flag pic the caption!;)
 27 September 2013, 07:19
Holger Kranich Yazar
Cat as drone? I wouldnt stop crying!
 27 September 2013, 12:22
Holger Kranich Yazar
That could be a good theme for a build!
Maybe after the other 120000 projects, i have in mind!;););)
 27 September 2013, 13:05
Holger Kranich Yazar
Sounds good!
I recently saw a video on Youtube with a Tomcat shooting down a F-4 drone with a AIM54. Very impressive but i cant find it anymore...
 27 September 2013, 13:23
John Thomas
It is just sad to see a F-14 being cut up
 11 November 2013, 18:44
Thanks for the memories. Gary
 11 November 2013, 19:05
Holger Kranich Yazar
John, Gary, you are right!
But lets think of her and build her as often as possible and the mighty cat will always be in our thoughts!;) (damn, i love this bird...)
 11 November 2013, 19:21
I'll have to take some pics a post mine. Gary
 11 November 2013, 19:39
Holger Kranich Yazar
That would be cool, Gary!
 11 November 2013, 19:46
Photo #3 is my favorite. Gary
 12 November 2013, 12:37
Holger Kranich Yazar
Yes, Gary! A Cat, ready to launch with compressed frontgear is a very dynamic view!
 12 November 2013, 12:53
Vorya hidaryan
tnx for sharing great pics 👍
 12 November 2013, 14:36

Album info

For all you Tomcat-Nerds outta there! Have a look at pic 7, i was rolling on the floor...;)

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