Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa - 1958
1 24 December 2013, 15:18

That's fanastic Guy...
Absolutely awesome build!!!
The paint work is gorgeous and the seats match it perfectly...
Merry Christmas Guy😄
24 December 2013, 15:27

Oh, in case you are wondering why I didn't post any pics of the engine compartment: I still don't have the aluminium intake trumpets. Once they arrive I'll fix them right away and I will do a new photoshoot 😉
24 December 2013, 15:51

Wow! Great job on the paint! I don't usually build cars,this makes me want to build one. Are there any specific basic car kits that you reccomend?
24 December 2013, 17:17

I don't think there is a quote " basic kit " in any genre...
Every kit in any genre have their own problems, quirks, fitting and other conundrums. But any curbside car kit (curbside is a car kit without an engine) would be a good learner for you to practise on😢
24 December 2013, 17:52

Should I get a spray can? I usually brush paint my planes and I don't want an airbrush. I don't think you can achieve that great finish by hand.
24 December 2013, 17:53

Hi again Brandon...
I use Rattle Cans Brandon, shake the can well, warm the can in warm water, but NOT in boiling water. Hold the can about 6 to 8 inches from the item you're spraying, move in an assertive side to side action, start before the item and finish after the item. Build your sprays up in layers, I do one light spray in both directions, leave to dry for about 10 mins and repeat 4 or 5 times then do a wet coat. Leave to dry for about 48 hrs, longer if you can!!!
Do you have any worries about using an Airbrush??? If so what are they? I might be able to alleviate them for you.
24 December 2013, 18:22

I just don't want one. Some air compressors are loud,and the airbrush is a pain to clean after using enamels. Also hand painting is fun for me,I like to see what finishes I can achieve using only my brushes.
24 December 2013, 18:33

I use mostly Windsor and Newton brushes,I have some sable hair flat brushes that I use the most on my aircraft.
24 December 2013, 18:35

You do what suits you Brandon...
I started with brushes, eeerrrrrmmmmm!!! that was a few years ago now.
One tip!!! To get a finish like Guy's, with a brush. Well thin the paint to a consistency of Milk, then use a medium wide flat brush in one direction only, I brush from front of car to the back. Yeah! I still keep my hand in with a brush😢
24 December 2013, 19:00

Thanks for the tip 🙂 I'll probably get a cheap car kit to experiment on with my Christmas Money.
24 December 2013, 19:16

Brandon, not all compressors are loud, mine is only 50 dB. About as loud as normal conversation.
25 December 2013, 01:59

What a perfect build, and we haven't seen the engine yet... To see the pics of your builds is always a pleasure, Guy. It's like visiting a Sotheby's fine art auction 😉
25 December 2013, 12:33