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Gábor Bélik (Quichas)

Krupp 12.8cm Pak 44 (Great Wall Hobby)

Photo 1 of 8


26 March 2014, 17:00
Gábor Bélik Yazar
This was one of my favorites!
 2 July 2014, 17:26
Choppa Nutta
yeah nice ! 🙂
 2 July 2014, 17:39
Looks great 👍
 2 July 2014, 19:27
M Sandell
Sweet! Looks awesome!
 2 July 2014, 19:33
Albi Hitz
Wow cool .... I like the weathering.
 2 July 2014, 21:40
Alan Rush
Looks great, Gabor. As Albi said, the weathering and the wear marks are very nice
 2 July 2014, 23:03
Gábor Bélik Yazar
Thans guys. This was the first model I where I used the chipping fluid.
 3 July 2014, 03:17

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