AQ Bell 206 Jet Ranger HMU
Photo 1 of 25
27 May 2014, 11:01

Where did you get this kit from ?
I can't find this kit on sale anywhere 🙁
27 May 2014, 11:18

eBay, but the helicopter I've copied is one we have in our hangar, theres a few models similar on ebay at the moment, search "1/32 bell" and it should come up as you scroll down
27 May 2014, 11:30

Or you take a look here. For 15 bucks its ok!;)
27 May 2014, 11:31

Uploading now, and in my opinion, the link the Steve posted...I think its probably the same kit with a new box
27 May 2014, 11:55

I am intending to use these kits as molds for RC heli projects but I also want to use the detail components & decals etc. to maximise the scale impression.
The downside to buying outside the UK is that the postage is often more than the item in question, but good to know that it is at least possible to get hold of these kits still, if I can't find a UK seller then I will take advantage of this option, I've chatted to the guy from and he has a few kits I might be interested in so I may compile a list and get them from him so as to dilute the cost of postage etc.
27 May 2014, 12:01

i buy most of my kits online, with maybe half coming from ebay alone, normally shipping aint as bad as you think
27 May 2014, 12:23

I managed to find a 1:35th scale OH-6 for 20 Euros P&P is 15 !! 😮
On Steves link, $20.00 P&P for the $12.50 1/32 Revel Bell 206 Jet Ranger !! 😮
Same heli from Flashies, 18 Euros for P&P for a heli that costs 15 Euros !! 😮
More than double the cost of kits for me 🙁 think I either need to find it in the UK or get myself a list together from one provider to make the P&P worthwhile etc. anyhow,
I appreciate the links and suggestions though 🙂
27 May 2014, 13:01

My argument as well, plus on top of that you get stung with customs, vat and handling charges...
I don't know if you know, but a couple of years ago an item wasn't charged customs etc if it's value was GBP £45.00 or under, but now that threshold has been reduced to GBP £15.00😮
27 May 2014, 13:13

wallet raping cash extracting thieves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think if one marks it as "GIFT" then you don't have to pay customs, import duty, vat and handling charges on it etc.
We need some friends in Europe & the US that are prepared to move stuff around for us and mark them as "GIFT" 🙂
But it does make buying stuff from abroad really very painful though 🙁
oh well, I'll guess I'll just have to wait or get a list so big it is worth a trip to Europe 🙂
27 May 2014, 13:29

My next door neighbour is a customs bod!!!
At Langley sorting office, where all our packages arrive from Heathrow Airport etc...
I asked him about the "GIFT" thingy, (he is so genned up on our Hobby and knows all the companies and eBayists, he has a competition with his mates on how many he can catch) he told me marking it "GIFT" makes no difference at all, all charges are still due and payment will be enforced. He also said, it's possible the odd package/parcel might slip past unnoticed, but very rarely. The rule about "GIFT" was changed at the same time as the threshold was lowered to GBP £15.00...
27 May 2014, 14:19

Because Gift was being abused according to the Labour party, thank you Mr G.Brown.
I didn't even vote you in, as did no-one else...
27 May 2014, 14:26

well they sure do like to squeeze us don't they and yet "they" let all the big companies get away with paying next to no tax and tell us that they are "doing gods work" as David Cameron said recently, makes me angry !!
Anyhow, at least we know now about the gift thing, so I suppose we have to get our items marked as being less than £15 to get around this excessive tax penalty.....
27 May 2014, 14:27

sorry for the rant and diverging away from your 1/32 scale Revell Bell 206 Jet Ranger with custom HMU livery build Hadley 🙂
27 May 2014, 14:29

Possibly, but I would get a friend state side to buy it for me then post it on marked as required and then sort them out with the money, I could pay them £14.99 for the item and give them a "cash gift" for the rest 😉
27 May 2014, 14:56

Geez that sucks only 15 pound! I guess i'm still lucky down here as long as the value is under $1000 there's no tax payed to customs! i often purchase $100 to $200 worth of kits from various countries but try to buy from the country where the items are made as this seems to be the cheapest (most times!) the big box of kits that arrived today cost me around $50 to ship but if you split that over the 6 kits i got adds about $8 per kit still much cheaper than the double or more i'd pay for each if brought from local shops (in about 3 months time when they arrive!) but i expect "Abbot" 🙁 will stuff this up at some stage like everything else the A hole has stuffed!!! 🙂
27 May 2014, 15:29

Yeah it is a real pain let me tell you, especially as some of the kits I want are no longer being manufactured ie helicopters of the Vietnam war in 1:35th and 1:48th scale .... especially tricky are the OH-6 and the Jet Ranger early versions etc. bumholen !!
I wonder if Steve might ask his customs bod neighbour how one might work around this ? 😄
27 May 2014, 15:49

I tried that Choppa...
With arms folded he raised one eybrow and had one of those stern looks my father used to give me, when I wasn't flavour of the Month...
I'm still a pain!!! ask the Wife😄
27 May 2014, 15:55

I take he must take his job a little to seriously ?
does he think that the government is doing us a favour by reaching into our pockets ever deeper for their duck ponds, second houses and 11% pay rises ??
I understand the need to contribute to society but when they keep their super rich pals tax free at our expense I think mother far king car hunts need to be condemned to poverty for life !! etc. ok rant over, I promise 😄
27 May 2014, 16:04
Album info
1/32 scale Revell Bell 206 Jet Ranger with custom HMU livery