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Tim Heimer (gearhd)


Photo 1 of 6


13 March 2015, 18:09
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 13 March 2015, 21:43
Tim Heimer Yazar
Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
 14 March 2015, 04:03
Is that a piece of decking off an actual boat?
 14 March 2015, 10:31
Aron Christian Aronsen
Wow! Awesome effect with the prop-blur. At first I thought it was photoshopped 🙂
 14 March 2015, 11:24
Rui S
Nice... I like both the weathering and the plane...
 14 March 2015, 11:28
Tim Heimer Yazar
Thank you all for the compliments! The deck was made from NorthEastern scale lumber Co. Balsa wood. www.northheasternscalelumber.com. #316scr116B Colored with pastel and chalk water mix which gets soaked up well, then highlighted with a pencil and prism colored pencils. The Steel rails are Plastruct 1/4'' U channel part #90045. I was a bit lazy and didn't drill out the hold down holes in the rails.
 14 March 2015, 15:35
Igor Zdorovyak
Original photo. Different arrangement of signs and labels. Do not blindly trust the manufacturer of the model. In general, a good job.
P.S. Deck Essex looks different.
 14 March 2015, 17:53

Album info

Revell Hellcat with prop blur prop and simple home made deck.

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