He-219 "Uhu" Groupbuild
Photo 1 of 6
6 22 July 2015, 16:11

Okay, so she will be pulled from the shelf of doom and hopefully get finished. I just ordered the exterior-set from Eduard, as soon as it arrives the work will start.
22 July 2015, 16:14

I've built this kit in the past. It's no Zoukei-Mura He-219, but for its price, it's still a very good kit. A little soft on detail in some areas of course, but it will still turn into a very good-looking kit when finished. With all the extra details you got it should look quite good! Good luck and looking forward to seeing it finished!
22 July 2015, 16:26

Oh another Revell Uhu builder! I have the same harness for it and i´m looking forward its assembly! These belts are a model in a model!
23 July 2015, 14:42

Holger, the seatbelts are quite easy to assemble, they just take a little patience.
23 July 2015, 15:38

This looks most interesting Christian, and the seat and it's belts look like they have just been removed from the actual aircraft. 🙂 !!!
20 September 2015, 00:39

Well, there are many Christians attending to this Group Build🙂
20 September 2015, 10:16

Christian (Northlight), hehehe, I am wondering how your build is going mate, as it has been just a short while we have been working at it, and I am sure your images will be most spectacular. 🙂
Cheers. 🙂 👍
28 September 2015, 21:17

My apologies for being offline for so long. During the last couple of weeks a lot of things happened in my live, not all were exactly positive.
Well, now I´m back on track and pulled the Heinkel off the shelf of doom where I left her a year ago. For unknown reasons one of the rudders is partly broken and I lost the control stick. So I asked Revell´s department X for replacement and continued with the landing gear.
4 October 2015, 17:43

Christian 👎, A most impressive build is developing here mate. 🙂
Your instrument panel and bezel colours look wonderful. :-O
I am most impressed. 🙂 well done. 👍
4 October 2015, 20:10

Ups, I missed this progress. I agree to Kerry, that looks really nice!
5 October 2015, 18:37

Looking great Christian, the instrument panel is beautiful. Keep on the good work mate.
6 October 2015, 21:45

Just caught up with this build Christian. I have this in the stash to build. Yours is looking really nice. Defo following this now
26 September 2021, 16:33
Project info
Grup Oluşturma

He-219 "Uhu" Groupbuild
13. Eylül
13. Eylül