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David Bristow (Bristdav)


Photo 1 of 9


9 October 2015, 23:17
Kerry COX
David, they are some nice looking birds you have here. And I DO like the Harrier, having one myself, but not as nice as yours mate. 🙂
well done. 👍
 9 October 2015, 23:29
Andrew Eadon
Hi David fantastic collection what scale are they in?
 10 October 2015, 00:29
Kerry COX
Andrew, all ya gotta do is read the text under each image mate. 🙂
 10 October 2015, 06:23
Holger Kranich
I love your Airfix Lynx! First i thought is is the Revell 32 scaler
 10 October 2015, 07:51
Cristian Bordina
Compliments for your masterpieces 🙂
 10 October 2015, 07:55
Andrew Eadon
Right you Kerry can't believe I did the classic 'bloke look'🙂 We just welcomed our second daughter into the world 5 days ago sleep is very limited🙂
 10 October 2015, 10:10
Christian Ristits
Great Collection, the Lynx is totally awesome!
 10 October 2015, 10:23
David Bristow Yazar
Thanks for your very kind comments guys, I will get some better images done as there is also s lot of armour to catalogue too.
 10 October 2015, 11:16
arne vd burg
Very nice collection David
 10 October 2015, 13:21
very nice collection!
 14 January 2017, 16:52
Scott Dutton
Nice collection, especially like the Lynx and Prowler
 15 January 2017, 01:15
Stephan Ryll
Very nice collection 👍
 15 January 2017, 07:26
Very nice collection. 👍
 15 January 2017, 08:02
Arash Zakeri
Very nice collection
 15 January 2017, 08:26

Album info

Just a sample of some of my little masterpieces, apologies got the layout quality of the pictures as I have only recently just started to display these

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