Fieseler Storch
Photo 1 of 8
22 January 2016, 21:14

Build about 25 years ago, but still in good condition. Mäander was hand painted as far that I can remember...
22 January 2016, 21:19

Really nice build, Christian! The Storch was the first plane i ever flew with. That was 3 hours after my birth in the Hospital of Sande, inborne Wóoge🙂
23 January 2016, 10:46

Nice paintjob Christian, you made a really good woork. A question to everybody: I don't ever erase svastika from my pictures, I'm wrong? In my opinion svastika reproduction is not a tribute to Nazism but only the desire to made a plane more realistic as possible. To hide svastika it seems to me a sort of "to hide" past. What do you think about this?
23 January 2016, 10:54

Well at least according to German law the dealer can not sell kits containing svastika , even on older kits he has to remove the svastika, otherwise he can be fined. My shop in Hamburg has a written order hanging in his shop.maybe the law in other countries is different talk less of Internet shops from outside europe, for authenticity reason I agree with you Cristian, but in Germany it is a forbidden symbol of nazism.
23 January 2016, 11:14

I think the rest of the world is over that now, but it's a pity some are not. Oh well. :-/
Christian M, I am still tempted to get the 1/32 scale one, as I think these are amazing birds.👍
Your skills were well developed way back then mate. I like it. 🙂
23 January 2016, 11:18

Christian Bordina: Fortunately this site is located in Belgium, so no worries about the swastica;)
23 January 2016, 11:52

Thank you Melf and Holger for the informations. Here in Italy we keeps on quarreling about the symbols of the fascism, but indeed nor the sale of symbols and gadget of the "Twenty Years" it is forbidden.... or perhaps is tolerated 🙂
23 January 2016, 13:14

Thank You all 🙂
@ Christian: I agree with You. In Germany it`s forbidden to show svastikas in public, but not in other countries.
23 January 2016, 13:31

Nice Stork Christian, especially considering it's 25. I recall painting mine (I took the same camo) about 15 yrs ago - took me about 3 days to do it correctly 🙂 (unfortunately it has been lost somewhere in the meantime and I only have damaged fuselage left)
23 January 2016, 19:12

Hi Lukasz! So grab a new one... Academy`s offer is the best one in "The One True Scale" still today.🙂
23 January 2016, 19:18

I can't decide between Academy and Mistercraft repack of the Heller kit - the latter one has decals for the livery I'm thinking of 😉
23 January 2016, 20:23

🙂 But the Academy kit is the better one for sure. Decals can be found here:
1:72 Fieseler Storch San-Maschine JG 27 & Stab JG 1 (Peddinghaus-Decals EP 1424)
Fieseler Storch San-Maschine JG 27 & Stab JG 1
23 January 2016, 20:41

I know those sets Christian, but none of them has the decals for SP-AGO I'm looking for (SP-DECAL issued such set, but it's not available anymore). Anyway I'll have a look in the internets, maybe it will show up somewhere once again - I just got decals for Polish Cierva C.30 SP-ANN last week, which are not available in shops as well.
23 January 2016, 20:53

It was a standard ambulance livery, but it carried the following inscription: "The gift of the youth for the Common Organisation - Service to Poland" (hard to translate - the organisation was kind of communist pioneer/scout paramilitary group).
23 January 2016, 20:59

Well, I can`t see the pics here.
Just try
23 January 2016, 21:09

Christian - let's do it the other way around - have a look here (it's the SP-Decal set I mentioned above):
23 January 2016, 22:43
Album info
Good old Heller Kit