Fiat CR-32
Photo 1 of 13
4 8 October 2016, 19:51

Well done! Love this nifty little plane. How is the quality of this kit?
8 October 2016, 20:28

Jan its an old mold with exaggerated panel lines and a few seam issues.. nothing hugely problematic but... the butt join struts are a nightmare.. if I built it again I would sand the butt bump joins on the wings flat, drill holes, then make scratch struts to fit.. would be faster and less of a drama
9 October 2016, 04:35

More photos and text build log:
9 October 2016, 04:52
Album info
I picked up this Supermodel Fiat CR-32 at my Model Club from a mate for just $5. But it turned into such a fun build and paint that I really wonder why I spend $100's on Wingnut Wings kits when so much modelling fun can be had for a few dollars.