ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi
Marian C. (Atlis)

Krupp Räumer S


8 March 2017, 00:17
Adam Gudynowski
Nice 🙂
 17 March 2017, 23:37
Marian C. Yazar
Thanks mate. 🙂
 18 March 2017, 19:45
Thomas Mayer
Great start!
On picture 3: are those the kit´s decals in the box? I wonder, because the Balkenkreuze look like the ones used after WWII?!?
 22 March 2017, 10:35
Marian C. Yazar
Yes Thomas, they are in the box. There are four schemes - three "fictional/What if" (US, German) and one (depicted on the box) which I think is more of an artist's representation of the real machine. I found only three or four photographs of the Räumer S and there is no marking visible anywhere except for the white chalk rectange on the top of the front cabin.
 22 March 2017, 12:12
Rui S
Really nice paint job, Marian. 👍
 6 April 2017, 11:35
Darek .
Very nice, very pretty. 🙂
 6 April 2017, 19:05
Adam Gudynowski
Just wondering what is better - model or photos themselves😉
 6 April 2017, 21:15
Marian C. Yazar
Thank you gentlemen. 🙂
 8 April 2017, 20:14

Project info

15 Görüntüler
1:35 Krupp Raumer S (Takom 2053)

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