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Gary Brantley (texgunner)

Testors Lockheed F-104A Starfighter

Photo 1 of 12


30 April 2017, 23:56
Stephan Ryll
Lookin very nice Gary 🙂 👍
 1 May 2017, 07:08
Gary Brantley Yazar
Thanks Tim and Stephan! I'm glad you took a look and am pleased that you liked this old bird. I've always loved the "missile with a man in it". I've also thought that "Starfighter" was an appropriate name for her. Again, many thanks for your nice comments! 🙂
 1 May 2017, 12:19
Gary Brantley Yazar
Thanks so much James! Yeah man, it's mighty basic. I did make some bulkheads, both fore and aft of the gear bay just to block seeing through the damned thing. 🙂 It's a good place-holder in my Century Series collection, but maybe I'll build another, "modern" kit of the 104 someday.
 1 May 2017, 20:48
Martin Oostrom
Ah, ye olde Starfighter. Love those old birds.
She looks great Gary 👍
 1 May 2017, 20:53
Gary Brantley Yazar
Thank you sir! Much appreciated Martin, they are a classic jet aren't they? 🙂
 1 May 2017, 21:15
beautiful, you certainly did a great job in painting it.
 2 May 2017, 20:40
Choppa Nutta
the teaser pic could almost be real 🙂
 2 May 2017, 20:42
Clifford Keesler
Nice job.
 2 May 2017, 20:44
Gary Brantley Yazar
Thank you Spanjaard, Choppa and Clifford! Great to get your comments as usual. The finish is now marred with brown staining on the decals in several places. That discoloring appeared years after it was finished. I'm guessing it was completed 25 years ago now. 🙂.
Choppa, I remember seeing a real Starfighter on static display in a shopping center parking lot when I was 11 or 12 probably. It was just the epitome of a cool jet fighter!
Thanks again!!
 2 May 2017, 21:14
Clifford Keesler
I built that kit a couple of years ago, when it was re-released. Built it in Luftwaffe markings,with much modifications.
 2 May 2017, 21:20
Martin Oostrom
The jets from the 50'2 & 60's were the best looking ever. That includes the USSR birds as well.
 2 May 2017, 21:22
Gary Brantley Yazar
"That includes the USSR birds as well." That is so true as well! 👍
 2 May 2017, 22:24
Robert W Martel
Very Cool !! 👍
 9 May 2017, 18:28
Gary Brantley Yazar
Hey! Thanks for taking a look and leaving a comment Robert.🙂
 9 May 2017, 18:52
Holger Kranich
Compared to the Luftwaffe, the wing tiptanks look very different. But a great build Gary!🙂
 9 May 2017, 19:42
Gary Brantley Yazar
Yeah, I think those tanks were a very early design Holger. Thanks for the generous comment! 🙂
 10 May 2017, 11:50
Andrea Morris
Great work Sir, you don't see many widow makers getting built!
 11 May 2017, 21:09
Gary Brantley Yazar
Thanks for that Dave! You're right too, not that many around. At one time though, it was the latest and the greatest. I think Starfighter was an appropriate name because it looks like it could (should?) be a space plane. Death Star beware! 🙂
 11 May 2017, 22:23
Colin Grace
Impressive work Gary!
 20 May 2017, 11:17
Gary Brantley Yazar
Thank you Colin! I'm glad that you liked her! 🙂
 20 May 2017, 12:28
Clifford Keesler
Yea the tip tanks are missing a couple of fins. As soon as my Canberra is finished, I will be starting a 1/32 scale Widow maker.(F-104G).
 20 May 2017, 23:55
Gary Brantley Yazar
This Testors kit was basic to say the least. 🙂 I'm looking forward to seeing your 104 when it's done!
 21 May 2017, 01:01
Clifford Keesler
Thanks Gary. I suspect it will be a rather long build. At what I paid for it, I defenitley want to take my time and do it right. LOL.
 23 May 2017, 03:56
Gary Brantley Yazar
Well, that's right then, I completely understand Clifford. Take your time please, I know the wait will be worth it! 🙂
 23 May 2017, 12:20
Clifford Keesler
I will post regular build threads.
 23 May 2017, 19:45
Gary Brantley Yazar
Cool! I'll be watching for it. 🙂
 23 May 2017, 20:05

Album info

An earlier build and only photographed fairly recently, the Testors Starfighter is avery basic, simple old model. The rudimentary landing gear was given some much-needed detail and I used the pilot figure to add a bit of interest to an otherwise bare cockpit. The horizontal stabilizer and brake doors were covered with Baremetal foil. The kit decals were used. Several different NMF paints were used but it's been so long since I built the plane I really don't remember. Here's another look at scale models from the distant past. Thanks for your interest!

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