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The Elder
Martien Lourens (The Elder)

Revell Hawker Hunter F.Mk6 RNLAF

Photo 1 of 13


1 14 May 2017, 10:31
Christian Bruer
Very nice work Martien 👍 I will take a seat for the finish 🙂
 14 May 2017, 10:59
Thomas Bischoff
great work! I am in too
 14 May 2017, 11:56
As am I!
 14 May 2017, 13:31
Ferry Dierckxsens
Great work. Staying tuned in on this one.
 16 May 2017, 18:44
Martien Lourens Yazar
 22 May 2017, 12:18
Soeren R.
Really nice work Martien! 😉
 22 May 2017, 12:53
Cristian Bordina
Hat off 😉
 22 May 2017, 14:40
Stephan Ryll
Realy nice work 👍
 22 May 2017, 16:20
Excellent work.
 22 May 2017, 16:44
Lee Fogel
Looks superb! Very nice paint work.
 22 May 2017, 16:47
Martin Oostrom
When I was a wee bit younger, there used to be one of these at the entry to Gilze-Rijen afb. Your build brings back some good memories.
 22 May 2017, 18:39
Erik Leijdens
Really cool Martien, beautiful Hunter! But I think RDAF is Danish..😢 RNLAF is the correct abbreviation
 22 May 2017, 19:25
Martien Lourens Yazar
Thank you for your comments. @Erik.....I changed it 🙂
 23 May 2017, 04:39
Łukasz Gliński
Very nice example of Dutch Hunters, I like it
 23 May 2017, 05:47
Thomas Bischoff
wonderful Hunter in the classic colours 👍
 24 May 2017, 18:35
Daniel Mysak
Beautiful Hunter, just a great and realistic looking finish. I love the old camos with their high viz markings.
 24 May 2017, 19:25

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