Project end of days

Thats great. Send that one to Donald. Depressing ? Inspiring. Sums up Earths fragility. Well done.

depressing perspective, but no war is funny anyway. very nicely done. clear message.
Album info
Terra as earth is now known, is desolate. All stemming from the start of 1946 when cataclysmic battles were fought and shredded Europe, and turned the earth to a scorched wasteland.
The battles raged on, encompassing the earth, and involving every country within it. Nobody could escape the devistation wrought by human greed.
After 92% of the worlds population was destroyed, the surviors STILL did not learn from it all, and continued to battle each other in fierce fighting, and nuclear onslaught.
With the world almost destroyed to the core, vegetation and animal life pretty much extinct, those few Human survivors had to try cultivating their small plots of the last fertile earth just to get precious oxygen.
MAIM 1;24th survivor figure, with cut down test tube, small tree, and base made from sculptamould and a few rocks.