Mark I Male C29 (with base)
1 23 September 2017, 01:20

O Diorama ficou excelente Ricardo
Belo trabalho de pintura. Parabéns pelo resultado. 👍
23 September 2017, 10:40

Thank you all, your feedback feels great, because this was difficult for me, and I did not have time to do everything that I wanted to do. If I had more time, I would have done a few things more. In the end, I feel exhausted. Thanks again for your support! 👍
24 September 2017, 00:07

I know what you mean by feeling "exhausted", it's the effort you put into a project, all the little details which cost you many hours that probably will not be noticed at all but in the end you feel you could have done a little more...
However, you could work a year or two or ten on a single project, it will never be somewhere we have to lean back and say:"Now it's good" because there are so many kits to build left and ideas to accomplish...and so little time.
Again, fantastic diorama! One of the best i have seen here in recent time.
24 September 2017, 11:08

@ Alexander, I second your words, mate.
I think if we don't act like that, a project is never finished.
You can always add something or enhance others.😎
Of Corse I tend to stop a bit to soon sometimes because I'm simply afraid to destroy all the previous hard work done.
24 September 2017, 13:43

excellent paint job and weathering. the mud looks totally realistic!
24 September 2017, 21:50

+1 The diorama looks fantastic and very realistic! great atmosphere! outstanding
24 September 2017, 21:56