Euro Model Expo 2018 Show Report
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1 21 March 2018, 18:13

Euro Model Expo 2018 will take place at the coming weekend, 24th and 25th of March in Lingen/Ems.
I will be there with my German Gamblers Shipmates. Looking forward to see you there. You'll find us at Stand 114 Block K.
For more information take a look to the Scalemates Event Page:
Euro Model Expo 2018 (24. and 25. March, Lingen (Ems) DE)
Here some teaser photos from last years EME.....
21 March 2018, 18:14

See you on saturday Christian 🙂
And I hope to see a lot of other mates there too 🙂
21 March 2018, 19:35

i have seen some pictures of the show. i hope you had a great time Christian.
24 March 2018, 22:25

Lode you should manage it next Year!
Thx Spanjaard it was a first great day. I will post photos later here on Scalemates!
24 March 2018, 23:06

Yes it was Alec. I will post some photos later the week. Cheers Christian
25 March 2018, 19:06

Here is my first show report from this years Euro Model Expo with a small selection of ships and aeroplanes.
A big thank you to Berthold Tacke and his team for running the show and giving us this great platform to represent our interesting hobby.
It was a great weekend with a lot of old and new friends! Thank you all for looking around and saying hello at the German Gamblers Stand. See you there next year!
Cheers, Christian
27 March 2018, 19:08

excellent models Christian! thanks for sharing. pity i could not join.
27 March 2018, 19:24

You shouldn't miss it next year. We had a nice row of stand displays with ship models, next to our friends from IG Waterline/Modellmarine and IPMS Netherlands.
27 March 2018, 20:04

Thank you for sharing Christian. I've visited on the saturday and it was a great day. Lots of fantastic models on show, good venue, relaxed atmosphere. Looking forward to the next edition.
27 March 2018, 20:14

You're welcome Hanno. It was a pleasure to meet you there.
28 March 2018, 06:06

Quality pictures 👍. I think I spotted herr Schrock's flying boat and saddened by the broken up DC-10.
And those ships, sigh
28 March 2018, 07:02

Awesome photos, thanks for taking the time to take and upload. Love the soldier asleep in front of his truck in pic 49, simple but effective.
28 March 2018, 07:26

Wow. Some amazing, really amazing work. Thanks for sharing, and for taking such quality pictures.
28 March 2018, 12:46

Of course it was a great show! Interesting to note who else was there. Would be fine to meet you at the next show personally at out German Gamblers Club Stand😉
28 March 2018, 19:37

Wow so many perfect models, I am fascinated. Thank you for the pictures Christian.
31 March 2018, 10:49

Yet more amazing models. Love the steam-punk fish!! Great pics Christian!
31 March 2018, 12:52

Thanks for sharing the pics Christian! Some really great models for us to enjoy 👍
31 March 2018, 16:35

It's just as well I don't do this hobby to win prizes, with quality like this I'd be guaranteed last place.
Amazing work – thanks for posting.
31 March 2018, 16:36

Thanky you all, I'm glad you enjoy the photos. If you can manage it you should visit the show next year. It is getting better and better every year and with the new venue in Lingen there's enough space for traders and exhibitors to make it a perfect modeling weekend.
1 April 2018, 16:56

Thank you Björn and Joerg. It was nice to meet you too. Seems to me you enjoyed the day very much and had a good way back home.
2 April 2018, 18:57
Album info
Here is my show report from this years Euro Model Expo with a small selection of ships, aeroplanes, AVF's, cars, fugures and science fiction / space.
A big thank you to Berthold Tacke and his team for running the show and giving us this great platform to represent our interesting hobby.
It was a great weekend with a lot of old and new friends! Thank you all for looking around and saying hello at the German Gamblers Stand. See you there next year!
Cheers, Christian