Hasegawa Ju-87 "Kannonevogle".
Photo 1 of 10
1 19 April 2018, 00:00

How did this one get unnoticed for almost a month?
Nice work Sir Cox! Very crisp lines on the canopy 👍
15 May 2018, 07:03

Martin. Have you ever heard of 'Parrafilm' "M" ?
A paraffin wax masking film that has been around for some time now but was superseded by the cut mask sets.
It takes some getting used to, but once you master it, it becomes your best friend in so many ways.
In fact, on the second Z-1 I am building, you will see how I have used it to protect the chrome pieces from being damaged. The canopy here was masked with the :M: film and it gave me a good result.
15 May 2018, 07:36

Hello Kerry, it called Kanonenvogel in German. ;-D You show us a well build "Bird". I like it, thumb up!
15 May 2018, 08:47

What. Your complaining that I have two 'n's in the spelling. I am not German, but it was a cut and paste I used. Jeez. Kanonenvogel. OK. ?
15 May 2018, 09:19

The Parafilm is already in my cabinet, courtesy of one of your bike builds 😄
15 May 2018, 09:43

Cool. Put it to many uses mate. A most adaptable material I sware by. 👍
Cool 🙂
15 May 2018, 09:54

There is not much missing in the way of detail Miro. I was really pleased with the results. Especially the way the splinter cammo looks. 🙂
15 May 2018, 12:35

Very nice kanonvogl, kannonnevogl, kaann... what the @#&... nice late STUKA Kerry 👍
I have a roll of parafilm in my supply drawer for several decades, never used it. I'll have to see if it's still good 🤔
15 May 2018, 12:52

Alec. I do believe it will not have suffered in any way. It will be a bit stiff, but that is no drama. The roll I had before this new on I had for 10 Years. !
15 May 2018, 13:20

Okay Kerry. I tried the parafilm on my Graf Spee. Short review: that stuff is hell to strech uniformly, applying it is worse if you try it backwards, cutting the excess is a trial of guts or glory, but man that stuff is thin! Next will be masking the lower hull to paint the demarcation line and then it's fingers crossed for a decent result.
15 May 2018, 16:15

Martin. I never said it is easy stuff to use,! but once you find something it works with then it's your best mate. But I know how resistant to your best intentions it can be, but when it works, it works well. 🙂
There IS a lot of waste, but that can't be helped at times.
Being a 'wax' type of material, it helps if you place the piece you have cut to use between the palms of your hands and warm it up, then stretch but not to the maximum. Just enough to have it to a manageable state. But too thin and you get nothing to work.
Like all modelling 'products', it becomes an acquired skill.
In the words of the 'Kung Fu' master. 'Patience grasshopper'. 👍 🙂
It is really not suited to masking off large areas.
For that I will incorporate it with masking tape from a roll. 👍
15 May 2018, 19:25

In the end I got it where I wanted it. Perhaps it was scared into place by the usage of some choice words from yours truly 😄
Being so thin I hope there's less of a step between the colours, but that shall remain a mystery for now….
15 May 2018, 19:44

that's a very nice bird Kerry. I also stash parafilm M but rarely use it - the last builds were all done using paint masks
15 May 2018, 20:01

Great looking Stuka, Kerry. Looks plenty mean with the cannons hanging off it!
15 May 2018, 20:16

Thank you all for your most welcome compliments, I am a wee bit red faced. hahahaha 🙂
It was the 'box art' that got me hooked on the bird. but when I looked up some history and the youtube footage, I just HAD to have it. Jeez. The hits and the impact of that near 40mm round was INPRESSIVE. Deadly too. !!! 🙂 👍
15 May 2018, 21:33
Album info
Just 'a big plane' that packed a 37mm punch from under each wing.