Marder III ausf H
Photo 1 of 106
3 16 May 2018, 05:39

I agree beautiful build and weathered witewash. 👍
Can you please explain how did you pass from a less contrast photo 33 to the beauty on photo 34? Was it with a dark wash?
4 April 2019, 21:30

Rui, the less contrast photo is before dark wash and it is also a question of white balace of camer - panzergrey is hard to show anyway. The photo 34 is after dark wash - the darkest one I have, specialy to build big contrast with all those rivets on model. Note that the model is still before oil paint rendering and weathering like streaking grime and pigments. Still much more to come!
5 April 2019, 16:31

Thx Łukasz.
Just Has i suspected😉 .
Looking forward to see the next Steps.
I have a Marder ii on hold and i thougt i night try a winter camo, so following with great interest & learning a lot with your skills 👍
What technic Did you use to weather the wite wash?
5 April 2019, 20:49

Telling the truth this was the first time I was ever doing the whitewash sso it was a bit stresful to me. First I modulated the whole model in panzer grey. Then decals on gloss varnish and another gloss varnish on them to protect them and avoid silvering effect of decals. Next step was satin varnish on whole model. Then I used worn effect fluid from MIG. After it was dry I irbrushed Tamiya paints (White XF-2 and XF-55 tan mix for more realistic white color) with a little bit of tap water in mixture. After it was dry I used brush and gentle rub off the paint creating nice chipps and worn effects.
6 April 2019, 09:01

Incredible work! I really like this a lot. It's dripping with character. Bravo!
18 April 2019, 06:02

Love this. Snow always fascinates me because we never have it here. Great presentation and finish. I feel chilly just looking at this.
30 April 2019, 14:42

Thank You for your comments. I'll try to keep up the good work with other models!
1 May 2019, 06:16

Very nice, excellent weathering job on the winter coat! Plus the dio & balance of it all is just great 👍
18 May 2019, 08:52