Jensis that made brilliant, idea and implementation I like 👍
19 May 2018, 08:17
AugieThat is really cool 🙂
19 May 2018, 08:34
Alexander Perov YazarThanks, guys.the Tamiya kit had two of the fuselage and still have the front part of the engine build
19 May 2018, 12:43
Tim HeimerI love it! I agree with Thomas!
19 May 2018, 14:01
Gordon SørensenGreat looking diorama, Alexander! I like it a lot!
19 May 2018, 14:29
Alec KVery well done 👍
19 May 2018, 14:39
Alexander Perov Yazarthank you all for the comments and good buildings
20 May 2018, 04:41
Michael HickeyNicely done, ground work looks great.
20 May 2018, 04:49
Spanjaardamazing job Alexander! great idea and perfectly executed!
21 May 2018, 21:18