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Evander Borg (borgland)

M.T.M. Barchino Motoscafo Turismo Modificato

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1 6 May 2019, 07:06

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Italeri 1:35 - 5604
This has a historical connection with my homeland - Malta. On 26 July 1941, two human torpedoes (Maiale) and ten MAS boats (including six MTs) launched an unsuccessful attack on the Grand Harbour, Malta. The force was detected by radar but the coastal batteries held their fire until the Italians approached to close range. Fifteen Decima (10) MAS crewmen were killed and 18 captured. One of the MTs hit a pile of the bridge linking Fort Saint Elmo with the breakwater. The pile collapsed with the blast, blocking the entrance to the Grand Harbour. The bridge was never restored, and a new one was not built until 2012. An MT may be found in the Malta War Museum (my reference was the real thing!)

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