ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi
Czegle Zso
Zsolt Czegle (Czegle Zso )

M19 & M7 "Priest"


64 12 January 2020, 09:09
very nice detils added
 12 January 2020, 10:09
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Spanjaard!
 12 January 2020, 11:23
Stefan Schacht
very nice so far, I take a seat
 12 January 2020, 13:16
Géza Szekér
Követem! I follow, nice details.
 12 January 2020, 13:30
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Danke Stefan, köszönöm Géza!
 12 January 2020, 14:15
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Upgrades done! The Priest is ready to be primed. But before painting I'll build the trailer.
 13 January 2020, 21:01
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
This week I have begun with the updates of the traktor an trailer.
 16 January 2020, 19:26
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool topic, following
 17 January 2020, 14:24
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Łukasz!
 17 January 2020, 21:00
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
The complet tank transporter is still barefoot. But I want to show the updates I made on it.
 21 January 2020, 19:03
Alec K
Great project - following 👍
 21 January 2020, 21:25
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Welcome on the board Alec!
 22 January 2020, 10:32
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Last photos before primer!
(The wheels are put on theres place provisional only for the photoshot!)
 26 January 2020, 19:49
Łukasz Gliński
Incredible upgrade of the Matchbox stuff 👍
 26 January 2020, 21:04
Ricardo Pinto da Rocha
Very nice improvments
 27 January 2020, 00:11
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Łukasz and Ricardo!
 27 January 2020, 13:34
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
The parts are primed. Today they'll get the base color.
 31 January 2020, 16:09
Alec K
Looks great 👍
 1 February 2020, 15:05
William O.
Phenomenal job sir! The amount of skills and patience to work in this scale is mind blowing, I applaud you sir! I can't wait to see the end result of your labor of love.
Willy 🙂
 1 February 2020, 21:15
Łukasz Gliński
And the Matchbox feel is gone 😭 Keep it up mate! 👍
 1 February 2020, 21:16
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you mates for your kind words. These are great honor and inspiration to me.
 2 February 2020, 08:58
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
It's already olive green 🙂
 2 February 2020, 09:10
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
They are washed, faded, still to add some weathering to the vehicles and vegetation to the base.
 9 February 2020, 10:34
Géza Szekér
Beautiful, Nem semmi, amit kihoztál belőlük!
 9 February 2020, 17:25
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Köszönöm szépen! Géza! Még nincs kész, jelenleg kb.85%-os
 9 February 2020, 17:41
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
I say it's completed now! More pictures coming soon!
 15 February 2020, 10:27
pascal Garand
Superbe réalisation mais petit pour mes yeux....
 15 February 2020, 13:14
Urban Gardini
Looking great and a huge inspiration for me. I've got plans to put my Matchbox Priest on the Matchbox M19 which I still haven't sourced just like you've done here. But My plan is to paint them in British colours.
 15 February 2020, 13:52
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Pascal merci beaucoup!

Urban Gardini thank you! It's a pleasure to me to be able to inspire a scalemate!
 15 February 2020, 20:44
inspiration for us all!
 15 February 2020, 21:02
Mirko Römer
Zsolt - God of Matchbox
 15 February 2020, 21:08
William O.
Mighty fine sir, mighty fine! Steady hand, and steady eye, out comes an masterpiece, Kudos to you sir! 🙂
 16 February 2020, 03:33
Guy Rump
Very impressive 🙂
 16 February 2020, 10:24
John Thomas
Nice work
 16 February 2020, 12:47
Łukasz Gliński
It's kind of (Matchbox) magic😉 It definitely requires more pics with the dio 👍
 16 February 2020, 15:05
Top 1/72 dio!
 16 February 2020, 17:46
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you mates for your kind words!
 17 February 2020, 08:58
Stefan Schacht
Well done 👍
 17 February 2020, 15:46
Ondrej Skarka
Nice work!
 17 February 2020, 16:23
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you guys! Here are the photos as I promised!
 17 February 2020, 18:15
Alec K
This really turned out super. That cracked mud on the base is also very realistic 👍
 18 February 2020, 03:25
Łukasz Gliński
Indeed the mud is incredible 👍
 18 February 2020, 08:36
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you mates for your kind words!
 18 February 2020, 12:14
William O.
Well deserved sir, well deserved 🙂.
 18 February 2020, 20:03
Thomas K.
looks good! 👍
 18 February 2020, 21:02
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you mates again!
 19 February 2020, 10:53
It's perfect! 👍
 24 February 2020, 20:46
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Irving what do you mean? It will be released in scale 1:72?

Thank you Acki!
 25 February 2020, 11:03
Alec K
Same question...
 25 February 2020, 15:52
Jan Bissinger
Fantastic detail and art work ????
 6 April 2020, 21:37
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Jan!
 6 April 2020, 21:38
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Today I received the medal and diplom from Poland - Bytom Online Modelshow! 😄
 4 December 2020, 12:18
Łukasz Gliński
Well deserved, congratulations 👍
 4 December 2020, 12:20
 4 December 2020, 12:23
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Łukasz and Spanjaard!
 4 December 2020, 15:40
James C
Very impressive. Congratulations👍
 4 December 2020, 16:47
Urban Gardini
Well deserved mate!
 4 December 2020, 17:38
Mirko Römer
Well done Zsolt, awesome work!!
 4 December 2020, 20:29
Géza Szekér
 4 December 2020, 21:23
Alec K
A deserved award, to be sure. Congrats 👍
 5 December 2020, 13:23
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you so mouch mates!
 5 December 2020, 15:53
Christian Lehmann
Very nice model and well deserved medal.
 5 December 2020, 15:59
Tom B.
Klasse Diorama 👍 Glückwunsch zur Medaille 🙂
 5 December 2020, 18:05
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Danke schön Tom und Christian!
 5 December 2020, 20:47
Rui S
Beautiful. Great work, weathering and base 👍. Congratulations
 12 March 2021, 20:37
Jay Dubya
I appears I'm a bit late to your work here Zsolt, so I'll keep my comments simple: wow!
 12 March 2021, 23:49
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Rui and Jay!
 13 March 2021, 11:44
Paul-Emmanuel Vanhoebroeck
Superbe travail,,,quel est la méthode pour faire la terre?
 29 April 2021, 16:43
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Paul-Emmanuel: thank you! I used AK8033- Light & dry crackle effects.
 29 April 2021, 17:38
Paul-Emmanuel Vanhoebroeck
merci, je ne connaissais pas ce produit...
 29 April 2021, 17:53
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Paul-Emmanuel vous êtes le bienvenu! ?
 25 May 2021, 05:23
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Today I received my medals from Holland: Gold awards and aFellow modellers award in Euro Scale Modelling Online Conpetition 2021.
 27 December 2021, 11:38
Juergen Klinglhuber
 27 December 2021, 11:41
Łukasz Gliński
Congrats 👍
 27 December 2021, 12:08
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Jürgen and Łukasz!
 27 December 2021, 17:45
Well deserved, congrats!
 27 December 2021, 23:37
Ralf Topeters
Absolutely great, well deserved! 👍
 28 December 2021, 03:08
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you Spanjaard and Ralf!
 28 December 2021, 19:36
Well done!
 31 May 2022, 02:13
Pietro De Angelis
Impressive work, well deserved awards, congratulations!
 13 December 2022, 17:55
Vinny Panda
Absolutely stunning, I'm starting my build next week and will use your gallery as inspiration.
 13 June 2023, 16:24
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thanks Vinny! It is a great honor to be able to inspire a scalemate with my work!
 13 June 2023, 17:24

Project info

78 Görüntüler
1:76 M-19 Tank Transporter 45 tons (Matchbox PK-174)1:76 M7 HMC Priest (Revell 03216)5+
M7 Priest
US US Army (1784-now)
5 Army
Aralık 1943 - Mount Camino IT

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