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Steve Unwin (SLH089)

Hull Construction

Photo 1 of 2


1 28 April 2020, 22:28
Michael Satin
Much better, Steve! Did you just sand it down, or work it another way?
 13 November 2022, 14:49
Steve Unwin Yazar
Hi Michael. Very delicately used a flat blade hobby knife to remove the raised vertical parts of the mould, then lightly sanded the remainder. 🙂
 14 November 2022, 00:17
Michael Satin
Sounds tedious, but it looks a lot better. Thanks!
 14 November 2022, 00:57
I agree and this build looks very interesting
 14 November 2022, 01:03
Steve Unwin Yazar
Tedious is certainly one word for it. I've actually put this build in the circuit for now, as I am trying to finish my 1/200 Arizona; a WIP for over two years. 🙂 Will get back to the Big E.
 14 November 2022, 20:33

Album info

Reducing the out of scale hull plating on the model, prep and painting.

2 Görüntüler
1:350 USS Enterprise CV-6 (1942) (Merit International 65302)

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