EVERY ONE WANTS A TIGER IN THEIR HOME i got an goddamn tiger army
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1 16 July 2020, 15:38

So Trez……….. When your mother said you could be anything you wanted to be, you obviously picked disrespectful jerk I see. You need to rope it in cowboy or you're not going to be here for much longer ! YOU BEEN INFORMED ! ☝️
9 30 January, 19:46

Bob, just let Tim deal with this "gentleman".... not easy to remain quiet with this one, I know 😉
If I remember correctly a few weeks before this one popped up on SCM, a certain Trez Mc*something (can't remember the full name, but exactly the same behavioral pattern) suddenly disappeared from SCM, after he stepped on a lot of toes.... so there's a way.....
5 1 February, 09:26