New Workbench
Photo 1 of 8
8 4 August 2020, 02:14

rustoleum epoxy paint. It was a little less straightforward than I would have like but it ended up nice and durable after a few coats
4 August 2020, 02:50

The fruits of labor have yielded great rewards! 👍 👍
Just keep growing your mane and put it in a ponytail like I do!😉
4 August 2020, 03:53

I like the paint racks. Where did you get the little drawers under the bench?
4 August 2020, 06:05

OMG, that is a serious hobby corner! You seem to have made it very functional without cluttering everything up.
4 August 2020, 08:51

I would recommend having some good lighting in your room. I thought about making my own pro RGB lighting to control the light color for having it om a strip + fixture over my bench, but I put that off until later. I am allergic to high shipping costs and can't find anything local. :|
4 August 2020, 10:58

Very Nice setup. Don't understand why did you shut natural light?
I'm with Bill, Very Cool small drawers under the work bench. 👍
And your ohoto made me laugh. I also know that looks 😄
4 August 2020, 11:07

A lot of work, but well worth it.
I just ordered these mini-drawers on Pic 8, too. They look very practical.
4 August 2020, 11:50

the under desk drawers are these guys, they are super useful for quick access to a specfic tool:
The window is dark because it is night, having sunlight at during the day is very nice. Lighting overall is not there yet, the wife and I are discussing options (she has veto power over all choices, if I had my way i'd buy ultra powerful shop lights).
4 August 2020, 14:12

Yeah, I ordered mine on Amazon too. With 7-8€ a piece relatively expensive (60€ for my 8 Pieces). Available from some suppliers and in different colors.
4 August 2020, 17:52

Looks amazing! A lot of hard work! I've also ordered one of those trays to see if I like it. thx!
4 August 2020, 23:11

Zach when looking for lighting be careful of how much heat they produce. I have a row of jewelry store spots under the upper portion of my bench. Great light, too much heat at full brilliance. Fortunately they are dimmable.
5 August 2020, 03:21

good call bill, i'm a big fan of low heat high power led lamps.
5 August 2020, 03:32
Album info
This took me like a month and a half and its not even done