Follow the Major
17 4 December 2020, 13:36

Haha, thanks Roland, youre talking of Mr. Galland? I guarantee his cigar is not containing other substances than tobacco😉
4 December 2020, 13:54

advancing blade & retreating blade - that's what they are supposed to be doing mate, freedom to the props! 😄
Daniel, this is a lovely setup. not enough words to describe, really. i keep staring at the #1 image for minutes here... truely superlative. 👍👍👍👍
4 December 2020, 14:51

Thank you very much for our kind words!
After looking at #1 (now #2) for a minute as well I decided to whip out the MS Paint spray can^^
4 December 2020, 15:20

Excellent work! Imaginative concept and very well done. I love the cigar! That's a great scheme for Galland's plane -- I recently did the same one on Eduard's 1/32 kit. Yours came out great! Thanks for sharing. Great photos too. Congrats. 👍 👍 👍
4 December 2020, 15:23

Ah finally someone did this, hiding the base. 🙂 Lovely photo in #1.
4 December 2020, 15:51

Nathan, Jim (I browsed through a lot of your amazing work-blew me away!!), Treehugger, Spanjaard, playtime, Clifford and Neuling - I really appreciate it, thanks a lot mates!
7 December 2020, 14:19

Add 2 Spitfires and you'll have a full Battle of Britain "Adventskranz" going on!😉
Seems you all had fun with the 109's, lovely work and presentation 👍 Cool photos with the erased supports and wildly spinning propellers as well as on the naval background!
1 January 2021, 23:10
Album info
So the (historically not documented) story: Major Galland had a sucessfull flight, a dance with the tommies which he came out on top again - quite satisfied he is lighting his victory cigar.
Fw. Arnold in Yellow 12 on the contrary had not such a pleasant day, after dogfighting with RAF fighters he got hit from high 4 o clock in the rear&wing and only survived that with a lot of luck. He also lost his squadron mates during the battle and by chance spotted Major Galland, who he is now following back to France.