Case Blue F2
11 19 December 2020, 18:58

You should try AK Real Colour Panzergrau. It is imho the perfect nuance.
5 January 2021, 20:58

Funny you should mention that. I plan on using AK11025 German Gey from their Standard line of 3rd Generation Acrylics. I found it from watching this video Youtube Video

5 January 2021, 21:47

Thanks for the video. I have not tested the 3rd gen. which I should. The one I mentioned I enjoy also for its ease of use.
6 January 2021, 10:15

I didn't year the presented arguments, just read the text. That Said:
So the number One is the color not to use in scale modeling.
It can be the Best to paint for a recovered 1:1 WWII ral 7021 german tank, but not for a 1:35 or a 1:72 model, due to scale factor.🤔
6 January 2021, 23:19

Rudi S I would recommend watching the whole video to get the reasoning for their results.
7 January 2021, 00:20
Album info
Converting Tamiya brand new Panzer IV Ausf. F into an Ausf. F2 because reasons.