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Fighting 84
Michael Phillips (Fighting 84)

Scalemates 5th Generation, UAV, and Stealth Groupbuild 2021

Photo 1 of 1


4 7 January 2021, 21:14
Michael Phillips Yazar
Will be doing this one in-flight like my Hasegawa Raptor model from early 2020. Will be nice to have them displayed next to each other in such a configuration.
 7 January 2021, 21:19
Jos Jansen
 7 January 2021, 22:42
i am in!
 7 January 2021, 23:59
Gareth Windsor
Pulling up a seat Michael.
 8 January 2021, 01:37
James C
Cool project👍
 8 January 2021, 02:09
big black christmas tree, watching 👍
 8 January 2021, 12:43
Sergej I
Following 🙂 👍
 8 January 2021, 14:56

Project info

1 Görüntüler
1:48 Chinese J-20 Mighty Dragon (Trumpeter 05811)
Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon
CN 中国人民解放军空军 (People's Liberation Army Air Force 1949-now)

Grup Oluşturma

Scalemates 5th Generation, UAV, and Stealth Groupbuild 2021 in
Scalemates 5th Generation, UAV, and Stealth Groupbuild 2021

1. Ocak a kadar 31. Aralık 2021

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