Ar 234 C-4 (w. i. p.)
32 8 March 2021, 07:57

Thank you! The kit has been quite challenging as almost fuselage components have serious fit issues. I hope to make it somewhat presentable, but I am a bit tired of filling gaps and sanding.
Instagram: @marco_a_c_preto
15 March 2021, 14:34

Me 4 🙂
I have been trying to add that kit to my stash so I'm in how it build out.
1 19 March 2021, 01:46

I'll try to make a few proper photos of the completed cockpit (I've been taking a few snapshots with my phone just to quickly record any progress).
Instagram: @marco_a_c_preto
21 March 2021, 12:08

After struggling with the clear parts fit, it is in place! Now I just need to polish it to a nice shine!
Instagram: @marco_a_c_preto
26 March 2021, 16:16

Thank you for your kind comments! This build has been somewhat troublesome! I'm planning in completing all panel line washes and just add some fuel and exhaust stains to complete it. I made a few video clips showing how I solved some silvering that appeared on the old kit decals and I plan to edit into a simple tutorial video. I'll share it here when I manage to edit it all together.
Instagram: @marco_a_c_preto
25 May 2021, 14:42

Good work ,,, like it very much ,,, it looks you've got the typical Dragon fit issues
1 29 May 2021, 18:09
Album info
A few photos of the model during its construction.