Hasegawa JASDF F-15DJ 1/48
Photo 1 of 22
47 17 May 2021, 15:40

Dunno if this is supposed to be a camo or not, but this looks friggin amazing!
17 May 2021, 18:01

Awesome, watching this for sure!
Will give a holler when I start my stencil monster, which will be soon as I am pretty hyped 🙂
Just wonder - dont the decals come with their own grey background? As you are masking all of those
18 May 2021, 18:39

Thanks Daniel, the stencil data decals don't have the grey backing I'm afraid, so it's going to be a long haul, hoping to get the masks finished by weekend so I can put some paint down.
18 May 2021, 21:59

Awesome paintwork! Agree, I'm also a big fan of modern digital camo - sad that most of these planes are just for training purposes. Though the Ukrainian air force has digital camo as their default paintjob for their active planes.
Following for the rest of the build. 👍
27 June 2021, 10:01

Danumurthi, I won't be attempting it again in a while I think ??
27 June 2021, 16:00

Preparation is everything, for sure ? The rewards of your efforts are looking sharp ?
27 June 2021, 16:06

Fantastic work indeed!!
(I am very glad my dxm set comes with gray background stencils?)
Did you guesstimate the size of the gray fields or measured all the stencils?
29 June 2021, 08:39

Thanks Daniel all measured against the Hasegawa decals, I have a set of DXM decals now for future builds.?
29 June 2021, 16:31

Looking great, a real eye catcher!
Did you leave the canopy open on purpose or is this still WIP?
5 July 2021, 18:14

Thanks Daniel ? The canopy gave me a world of trouble fitment wise, it's pretty badly misshaped and I gave up trying to make it fit at this stage, I'm just going to have to live with it ?
5 July 2021, 18:28

What a machine this is!... As Clarkson would say! This looks AWESOME Arif! 👍
10 August 2021, 13:32