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Michael Osadciw (FlipFriddleMD)

Frying Egg


74 7 July 2021, 02:49
Rui S
I'm in. 😎 First row 😄
 10 July 2021, 11:56
Michael Osadciw Yazar
 10 July 2021, 23:12
'camel toe' 😂
 24 September 2021, 18:23
Simon Nagorsnik
`camel toe`🤣
 7 October 2021, 17:48
Michael Osadciw Yazar
'camel toe' is exactly what I was thinking when I took the photo. 😉
 7 October 2021, 17:49
Simon Nagorsnik
Nice composition and the interior is well done👍
 27 January 2022, 05:11
Michael Kohl
Nice progress and nice idea. Like your chicken. Although I really like it, I am a bit afraid that the camel will take a lot of attention from the main story you want to tell.
 27 January 2022, 17:26
Michael Osadciw Yazar
Yeah, I'm actually thinking I might leave the chicken box open to make it more obvious. I'm hoping that the cook holding up an egg will give it enough focus.
1  27 January 2022, 21:47
Michael Osadciw Yazar
The Tamiya masking tape ripped some of the paint right off of the photo etch, even after an etching solution.
 8 February 2022, 21:56
Ben M
The chipping is fine, the sand and dust will mellow it and I bet there was one with that much chipping.
 27 May 2022, 01:29
Simon Nagorsnik
Ahh.. i see it goes further🙂
For me, the painting fits perfectly!
And if you're unhappy with the chipping, just put enough sand over it😁
In my opinion, chipping can also be part of the personal touch...
 27 May 2022, 04:55
Villiers de Vos
I agree, the result is very nice.
 27 May 2022, 05:59
Michael Osadciw Yazar
Thanks guys. I've gotten better results with hairspray chipping, but I bought AK lacquer paints for this and realized it probably wouldn't work, so I did sponge chipping and it wasn't what I intended. BUT, the sand will take care of that.
 27 May 2022, 13:21
Rui S
Looking good 👍
 24 September 2022, 11:03
Bruce Huxtable
Wow! Superb in every department. So much detail to find and enjoy. May I ask how you created the egg shells?
 16 April 2023, 14:24
Fabulous result - love it!
 16 April 2023, 14:28
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful job, congrats!
 16 April 2023, 14:44
Ben M
Great to see this one again. The figures and the 3d printing are so great.
 16 April 2023, 14:45
Oleg Smilyk
This diorama looks great, amazing work!
 16 April 2023, 15:00
David Taylor
 16 April 2023, 15:08
Guy Rump
Excellent job! 👍
 16 April 2023, 16:54
Rui S
Excellent outcome all way round 👍
 16 April 2023, 16:57
I like the idea with the eggs ^^
 16 April 2023, 17:11
Michael Kohl
Turned out really great.
 16 April 2023, 18:12
Tom B.
The cooking eggs on teh tank really give this one a lot of character 👍
 16 April 2023, 19:58
Michael Osadciw Yazar
@bruce huxtable I made the egg shells using the one Tamiya egg remaining on the sprue. I dipped the egg halfway into some 3D resin, making sure most of it dripped off. Then I put it into my UV light curing station (a big coffee can with a UV rope light inside). Once it cured I carefully popped it off the plastic egg and repeated. 🙂
 17 April 2023, 17:51
Michael Osadciw Yazar
Thanks everyone! I'm glad you like it. I've got a simpler one in mind for my next one.
 17 April 2023, 17:52
Bruce Huxtable
Your creative solutions know no ends, Michael. Soo many details all contributing to an excellent story in your vinette.
 17 April 2023, 18:27
nice little dio and well painted figures 👍
very atmospheric scene 👍
 17 April 2023, 19:37
Realy wonderfull! very nicely done.
 17 April 2023, 19:38
Simply superb, wow. Love the composition and the details
 17 April 2023, 20:07
Mr James
Agree with all the comments above. Wonderful scene
 21 November 2023, 15:53
Jejeje..... Nice eggs!!!!
 21 November 2023, 17:22

Project info

57 Görüntüler
1:35 Armored Car Crew (MiniArt 35069)1:35 AFV Crew (Master Box MB3564)1:35 M3 STUART "HONEY" (Academy 13270)2+

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