Academy F-14A Bombcat -
Photo 1 of 7
20 7 October 2021, 10:43

😄 "Putt(y )ing"
Hahaha xD Yeah, thanks, as obnoxious it was, it looks the part. the gaps front fuselage part were terrible, but hey, so is the detailing.... Good chance to practice Sanding & scribbing.
7 October 2021, 17:38

@Rolf Schraner, Thx and greetings back from the "Valleys" 😉
8 October 2021, 17:37

yeah I will follow your build and probably tackle a f-14 myself
i have some old monogram lady in my stack
cheers and have a nice weekend
8 October 2021, 17:56

Uh, ye ol' monogram kit xD I hated those as a kid... Good luck and can't wait to see it Greetz and have a great week!
11 October 2021, 06:39
Album info
Since my Old man wanted my First Tomcat (Italeri 1:48 F-14A Tomcat - VF84), decided to build one again and boy, didn't expect the Academy kit to this.... still trying my best to get a somewhat good looking model out of it.