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Wilson Manson (Norseman)

post-war German street scene

Photo 1 of 13


23 17 July 2022, 16:08
Nice dio
 17 July 2022, 21:38
Rui S
Great Dio and work 👍
 25 July 2022, 20:57
Wilson Manson Yazar
Thank you for your kind comments.
 27 July 2022, 06:56
Great idea. I like those civilians. If they could tell...
 27 July 2022, 07:57
Wilson Manson Yazar
Thank you Fritz. I'm glad you like the idea of civilians using ex-military vehicles to try and 'get on' with life.
 3 August 2022, 13:31
Looking great
 3 August 2022, 15:47
Mathias Decommere
Lovely scene
 3 August 2022, 22:28
Very nice work indeed! 👍👍
 4 August 2022, 07:43
Wilson Manson Yazar
Mathias and Neuling, thank you guys - you are too kind
 4 August 2022, 16:51
Mr James
Fantastic work beating up the vehicles and depicting a lovely scene. Very nice job
 18 June 2023, 11:31

Project info

13 Görüntüler
1:35 3ton 4x2 Cargo Truck (Tamiya 35291)1:35 3 Ton Service Crane (MiniArt 35576)1:35 Staff Car Type 82E (Rye Field Model RM-5023)3+

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