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24 24 October 2022, 06:01
Nice scratch built door.
 24 October 2022, 08:54
Walton Yazar
Evergreen platicard is a fantastic material !! Thanks !!
 24 October 2022, 09:55
Mathias Decommere
Following this with high curiousity
 24 October 2022, 10:41
Walton Yazar
Dank u Mathias ! Italeri is like a "madeleine de proust" for me... A time i glue with excesd and painted with humbrol... New sight, new stuff, but older 😊
 24 October 2022, 10:55
Bruce Huxtable
Really liking your 'eye' and your 'touch' - the cobbles and interior walls look very convincing. Watching as you bring it all to life 🙂
 16 November 2022, 18:12
Walton Yazar
So many thanks Bruce !!! The rubbles, the floor are waiting and next step : priming !!!!
 16 November 2022, 19:29
Rui S
Excellent work 👍
 9 September 2023, 21:19
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 9 September 2023, 22:18
Walton Yazar
Thanks guys !!! This old house from italeri is not so bad compared to its age !!! 😅
 10 September 2023, 13:00
Walton Yazar
It's a time that make me nervous : painting faces.. A long time ago i've just overpaint with humbrol and a big wash with burnt umber... And the result was.... Awful !!! That's a challenge to me.... I décide to follow the joaquin gazquez technique.... Not yet to the top but i begin to understand "what" "when" and "how" to....
 19 September 2023, 15:07
Looking forward .......
 19 September 2023, 15:09
Walton Yazar
It will come soon 😉
 19 September 2023, 18:44
Walton Yazar
I've painted the fourth head... Painting face gives to me so much feelings... From despite to satisfaction and after not satified at all but i feel i can progress....
 25 September 2023, 13:23
Walton Yazar
I've got a question about light.... How many kelvins ? How many power ? How many lumens do you use ????
 26 September 2023, 07:48
they look fantastic
 1 November 2023, 21:14
Walton Yazar
Sooooo many thanks spanjaard....not so many time to do but each minutes is a pleasure to paint !!!
 1 November 2023, 21:17
I got a "garage light" in the ceiling of the room (after I saw it in picture 28 of My personal Kingdom and other Hobbies | Album by Springbank (1:1)) around 6000k 6000lumen, basically dailigh.... I love it. and then in my desk I have s simple lamp from ikea with a 6500k 806lumen bulb, for details.
there are a lot more expensive options, but I do not thik they are worth their prices (I got one of them and it is basically never used.....)
 1 November 2023, 21:53
Walton Yazar
Ok !!! 6500k is my lamp too... I bought a "velleman" tube light and i'm satisfied... Not so expensive as the task lamp founded at amazon...
 1 November 2023, 22:02
Rui S
Excellent figure painting 👍
 1 November 2023, 22:08
Nice job!!
 1 November 2023, 22:14
Walton Yazar
Thank so much guys !!!!! 😉
 1 November 2023, 23:11
Walton Yazar
My project comes to end... A few details to add...
 7 November 2023, 15:28
Excellent figure paintwork!
 8 November 2023, 09:13
Walton Yazar
Thanks a lot Neuling !! There are mistakes but this study case gives me a good experience for my next project !
 8 November 2023, 09:18

Project info

44 Görüntüler
Devam etmekte
1:35 House Corner (Italeri 6413)1:35 Infantry (ICM 35639)

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