U.S.S. Enterprise (Refit) AMT 1:537
Photo 1 of 87
14 3 January 2023, 19:13

Steady progress. You are putting a lot of hard work in this project. Very nice so far.
12 January 2023, 22:47

The most woderous scale model kit I think, the NCC-1701 refit Enterprise with LED's on. 🙂 I have the larger one in 1:350, but I had to fix a huge moulding error so I sort of lost interest (I did fix the giant sink hole though).
13 January 2023, 08:10

About photo 14. The first incarnation of the TMP/Refit-E kit was nearly identical to the original TOS kit. There was provision for batteries that would light a handful of bulbs. Thus the drilled through portholes all over the kit. One had access to the batteries through the main deflector surround (you call it the deflector dish) which snapped into the secondary hull front. You also turned the lights on and off by turning the main deflector.
18 February 2023, 09:02

@A.J. Madison Ah yes, I've heard about that old TOS kit with the battery compartment and so on. So this deflector housing part is a legacy of that? Wow! It's like a little piece of history in your hands! Very cool, thanks for sharing that! 😄
18 February 2023, 18:48

Accurate Refit U.S.S. Enterprise | Project by badgerboy60 (1:537)
Dunno if this is how it's done. Attached to this project are my personal notes on improving the original kit so it looks more like the 1:350 version. But to warn you, there's a lot of work. And I did these modifications when a larger scale motion picture enterprise had two options, fix the 1/535 kit, or scratch build one.
20 February 2023, 04:22

Amazing amount of work put in a correct a bad casting. The work done so far looks great.
14 March 2023, 21:33
Album info
Photo diary of my progress building the AMT 1080 2017 reissue of the movie-era Enterprise. No aftermarket parts, just straight from the box. But, I will be lighting it. 🙂