ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi
Gareth Lloyd (Squack)

MPC 1:100 AT-AT


14 29 January 2023, 18:40
Gareth Lloyd Yazar
It really did work 🥳. I like this technique *a lot*.
Love to make them dirty/worn and this gives a brilliant base to work from. Hopefully, the dot filter to come later will give the streaking over the top of that lovely worn paintwork with loads of tone variation.
Can you tell I liked this 😂
 30 January 2023, 19:08
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 20 February 2023, 18:31

Project info

20 Görüntüler
1:100 AT-AT (Round2 Models MPC950)

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