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Hints and tips

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11 30 March 2023, 00:53
Nigel Chapman
Brillant idea!
 17 April 2023, 09:20
Bozzer Yazar
I'll try to keep this album updated with various things. It might inspire someone to think outside the box and more or less every one of us, has these items at home.
 17 April 2023, 10:14
Martin Oostrom
Out the box, in the box, over the box, under the box. I'll turn it inside out if that helps!
 29 April 2023, 14:18
Bozzer Yazar
Just added a few pictures of a roll cage I made, for a funny car. Soldered spectacle arms, come in handy.
 8 May 2023, 20:51
Kyle DeHart
Very nice Bozzer.
 8 May 2023, 22:27
Bozzer Yazar
Thought it might come in handy mate. Walk in the park really. Just assemble off the model. That metal gets hot! I use a piece of paper, over a piece of construction foam. (Kingspan?) They use it for insulation. If you drive by a construction site, you'll see lots of it in the dumpster. Repurpose it. It also comes in handy for dioramas and model railroading 😉
 8 May 2023, 23:48
Kyle DeHart
I'm all for repurposing anything and everything my friend.
 9 May 2023, 00:42
well done, love recycling stuff 🙂
 1 October 2023, 22:52
Martin Oostrom
Them fenders look the part!
 2 October 2023, 05:19
Bozzer Yazar
Thought you'd like them, Martin 🙂
 2 October 2023, 08:22
Kyle DeHart
Looks like your resin printer will be well worth it.
 2 October 2023, 10:19
what printer are you using Bozzer
 2 October 2023, 11:43
Bozzer Yazar
I picked it up locally, off marketplace. The kid wanted a bigger one. It's an Anycubic mono 4K. Setting up was easy, and it's an excellent entry level printer. I'm sure that you'll agree, the prints so far are good enough? Word of warning to you guys though:
Adhere to the warnings about the resin. Treat it with respect and definitely wear a mask. The actual printing isn't smelly, it's the handling of the print, that stinks. A good wash and cure machine, is definitely on the cards! But I'm more than happy with the results.
 2 October 2023, 11:44
thanks Bozzer, i have been close to buy one a couple of times, but since my 3D design skills are 0, I thought it was going to end up as a expensive paper weight.... and refrained from doing it. when I learn 3ad design, that will be a different story (not any time soon, unfortunately)
 2 October 2023, 20:10
Bozzer Yazar
Spanjaard, not so fast, buddy!
You are aware that you can buy files to print, and some of them are free too? You don't have to be Albert Einstein, to use these things? But if you want custom work, then be prepared to have a go yourself 😉
 2 October 2023, 20:13
that is exactly the issue, if I were to have one, Itwould be mostly to do my own stuff 😉
 2 October 2023, 20:15
Bozzer Yazar
You would be surprised at what's out there mate. Have a look on Thingiverse, and see if anything tickles your fancy? There's lots of other sites available, you just have to make yourself aware of them? I find the following link, a fountain of information.
 2 October 2023, 20:25
Martin Oostrom
I do think a resin printer is the way to go. The detail on those is amazing. My son has a filament printer and the detail is limited and the print lines are everywhere
 2 October 2023, 20:44
Bozzer Yazar
Martin, I have both. My filament printer is great for a master copy of something, or even a handy tool? But for what we modellers build, I'll swear by resin.
 2 October 2023, 21:00
thanks for the info Bozzer!
 2 October 2023, 22:11
Bozzer Yazar
No worries mate. That's why we're here 🙂
 3 October 2023, 06:21
Bozzer Yazar
Martin, I added some pictures for you, regarding clear parts
 7 January 2024, 20:08
Martin Oostrom
Thanks mate 👍🏻
 7 January 2024, 20:35
Bozzer Yazar
No worries mate. It should give you a little inspiration. If I can do it, I'm sure that you will. Try to support the back, as you gently sand? As I mentioned, I used the Alclad sanding kit, to achieve those results. Start at a low grit, and work your way higher.
 7 January 2024, 20:39
Martin Oostrom
I did the same on my F-100: F-100D Super Sabre WIP | Album by Mahoo76 (1:72)
 7 January 2024, 20:48
Bozzer Yazar
That's very impressive mate 😉
 7 January 2024, 20:54
Martin Oostrom
It was very scary to do, I must admit.
 7 January 2024, 20:56
Bozzer Yazar
Sanding clear parts, just doesn't seem right? But as you can see, it works? That's the worst windscreen, I've ever seen! The recovery was dramatically different.
 7 January 2024, 21:00
I've used Novus fine scratch remover and plastic clean & shine ..with good results. the scratch remover is really just rubbing compound ... time to dig out the little buffing wheel that comes with your Dremel tool kit
 7 January 2024, 22:13
Bozzer Yazar
Thanks for the tip, Mona. Unfortunately the windscreen/windshield, on this one, was covered in glue and hair? How that happened, I'll never know? Personally, I use clear drying wood glue, on all my clear parts, but this guy obviously didn't? I love the challenge, of a previously started kit, however this one, took more effort, than it should've.
 8 January 2024, 01:05

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