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Robert Podkoński (podkon)

Rare Birds

Photo 1 of 38


13 22 June 2023, 15:56
Ben M
Hadn't seen photo 13 before. I think I'll do mine in the white livery though.
 22 June 2023, 16:33
Robert Podkoński Yazar
This was a special "disguise" of this plane for featuring in a movie, it did not appear, however, in the final version...
 22 June 2023, 17:06
Ben M
Yes - I've seen other pictures of the fake "MiG 23" from the movie, but not that particular one. The usual photo one sees is in-flight.
 22 June 2023, 18:59
Robert Podkoński Yazar
There seem to be a lot of unique photos in the whole set, as far as I can judge.... I will scan and upload more of them soon...
 22 June 2023, 19:53
Thomas Bischoff
Thanks for sharing 👍
 22 June 2023, 19:56
Ben M
What a great find, Robert!
 22 June 2023, 20:28
Kyriakos Vafiadis
Photo 10 is really inspiring me!!! Thanks for all the reference material!
 22 June 2023, 21:37
John Thomas
Nice photos and some great models of a few of them
 26 June 2023, 11:46
Robert Podkoński Yazar
I hope that some mates will find an inspiration here for next projects 😉
 26 June 2023, 12:18
Jan Peters
Photo 17 , is that the Bell copy of the messerschmitt P.1101?
 26 June 2023, 12:22
Robert Podkoński Yazar
It is X-5 indeed, yet unlike in P.1101, the wings angle could have been changed in flight.
 26 June 2023, 12:25

Album info

A selection of original photos I purchased by chance in a Flea Market...

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