XB-70 Valkyrie 20001
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North American XB-70 Valkyrie Landing Gear for AMT/Ertl/Italeri
Scale Aircraft Conversions 1:72
72005 2010 Yeni araç Maskeler
13 2 August 2021, 12:17

Thanks! I hope you're patient cause this kit's gonna be a tough nut to crack... I'll probably start it at the end of next week.
2 August 2021, 18:35

Following of course!!! Number one on my private list of most awesome planes ever (and I got one in my stash waiting for her time... 😉 ) BTW, in the May 2006 issue of Model Aircraft Monthly there was a short build report... I think it is quite instructive)
2 August 2021, 19:32

Thanks! This plane is my number 1! I doubt we'll ever build something sexier.
From what I've seen in the reviews, a lot of time will be spent sanding down the seams. And I might buy some aftermarket wheels, the one from the model aren't the best...
2 August 2021, 20:22

That's a lot of…well…everything ?
Good luck with it and I'm following of course too
3 August 2021, 17:32

Good luck on this... I have one in the stash so it would be good to see how you progress. Your right she is a looker that's for sure.
3 August 2021, 21:42

I just ordered aftermarket wheels, the ones from the kit are just awful, I am still debating whether I should order aftermarket landing gears but currently my bank account is convincing me not to...I'll try with the kit's ones...I'll decide afterwards
5 August 2021, 21:07

These white metal legs tend to bend under weight sometimes, as far as I know, Geoffrey. IMHO it would be wise to drill through the plastic ones and insert a piece of stiff wire...but it is a nerve-shaking procedure... 😉
6 August 2021, 04:19

Thanks for the advice! I'll take a look at them during the weekend to see if that's doable so that I won't loose too much time if it isn't.
6 August 2021, 11:10