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Evan B... (RainierHooker)

albümler (70)

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En son proje albümleri

6 Görüntüler
Grumman F6F-5 - VF45 USS San Jacinto 1945View album, image #6
Pretty well finished. Just waiting for the final glue to dry, one last round of touch-up paint, and then it’s ready for ...
1:72 F6F-5 Hellcat (Eduard 7077)
19 Görüntüler
Republic P-43D - A56-3 - 1PRU RAAFView album, image #19
1:72 Republic P-43 Lancer (reconnaissance) (Dora Wings DW72029)
9 Görüntüler
Macchi C.200 Saetta, 81º Sq 6º GA 1941View album, image #4
1:72 Italian MC.200 Saetta (HobbyBoss 80291)1:72 The Battle for Malta Axis (Xtradecal X72-162)
15 Görüntüler
SM.81 Pipistrello - 220 Sqadriglia - Bari 1943View album, image #12
1:72 SM.81 Pipistrello (Italeri 1283)
6 Görüntüler
Messerschmitt Bf.109F-2, 2./JG51 France April 1941View album, image #1
1:72 Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2 (Fine Molds FL1SP 2300)
38 Görüntüler
Dornier Do 17Z-1 - F1+KL 3./KG 76 1940View album, image #38
1:72 Dornier Do 17Z (Xtradecal X72206)1:72 Dornier Do17z (Airfix A05010A)1:72 Do 17 Z (Eduard CX411)4+
8 Görüntüler
Reggiane Re.2001CNView album, image #8
1:72 Reggiane (Sword SW72110)

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8 Görüntüler
Spitfire Mk.I, K9909, 65 Sqn, May 1939View album, image #4