Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. (H)
Office Project
- ölçek:
- 1:35
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
Piece to assemble and use as a paint test subject for camo patterns etc.
Proje envanteri
Tam kitleri
18 July 2014, 22:02

A little something to help me relax at the office. Not bad for an older kit...so far.
18 July 2014, 22:03

I had/have a couple of these. Most notably, the rear turret bulge is not correct for an "H" if I recall...but pretty good for an older kit!
19 July 2014, 06:05

For this project I am not concerned by accuracy. I am just putting it together for fun. I ave run into a slight problem with the road wheels' alignment. Nevertheless I'll just slap it together then use it to perhaps practice painting techniques. Thanks for heads up.
19 July 2014, 15:18

No prob, I have two of the panzer IV f1/f2/g and one h, as well as two stug IVs, all of which use the same moulds. I just built them out of the box with some basic scratch additions and some dragon tools that always seem to be in abundance 🙂
19 July 2014, 17:57