- ölçek:
- 1:48
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
First time for a product from Meng, always interseting to see how the kits are.
Not entirely happy with the color of the camouflage. Used Ammo of MIG with corresponding RLM number (70 and 71) as stated in the instructions but it didn't match. Next time I'll go by reference photos instead and just pick whatever color I have that I think is the closest.
I'm still working to practice on weathering effects and tis time I used oil paints which I think worked better for me than using the other products I have tried. Had difficulties diluting it to a suitable viscosity and knowing how much to add and how long to wait before brushing it out. Some areas turned out great, others not so much... I think it looks quite alright on the underside in contrast to the light blue. Topside is not as visible due to being darker.