Belgian NH-90 Cayman
- ölçek:
- 1:72
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
- Tamamlanan:
- March 12, 2016
Building the two versions of the NH-90 in Belgian service.
The basis is the Revell kit. I bought two kits and Revell kindly supplied me with a spare decal sheet of their (unavailable)TTH kit. Information comes from walk arounds and pictures on the web, and from other scalemates. The kit has a number of "errors" and the Belgian NH90s have some particular features, which require quite a number of modifications and add-ons .
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4 December 2015, 20:14

codes self made ( I have some spare); roundels will be PJ productions or DACO
14 December 2015, 20:14

Yep, ene met hesp en ene met kees; Revell kindly supplied me a spare decal sheet of their 04489 kit NH90 TTH and I found a nice video to see what is inside the MTH :
Youtube Video
and some interior views on:

15 December 2015, 19:18

i also have some pictures of the NH90-NFH interior i made last summer, i think i have some of the MTH aswell.
15 December 2015, 20:33