Focke Wulf FW 190 D-9
- Subject:
- ölçek:
- 1:72
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
- Başlatılan:
- March 1, 2018
- Tamamlanan:
- April 21, 2018
I took this one to have a rest after Fairey Battle build. However it turned out to be a similar headacher. Started by the lost of decals, I still can't belive they are gone, since I had even aftermarket ones. Local store Tomcat Plus luckily saved me by providing decals sheet, where is the same machine from original boxing, so I chose it. The decals come from 1994 and picture a bit different scheme of black 10, but I will rely on AZ model scheme, which I find looking better and possibly with 21 years of additional research.
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2 March 2018, 17:41