A9 Cruiser Mk.I CS (IBG)
Quick build of a simple kit :)
- ölçek:
- 1:72
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The A9 Cruiser shows some of the trademark characteristics of interwar tank desings: an interesting looking running gear, riveted armour and - most striingly - "pointless little turrets" a.k.a. one-man machinegun armed subturrets. The CS stands for close support and denoted those cruiser tanks fitted with a 76mm gun for support purposes (mainly firing smoke rounds).
I am building the IBG quick-build 1/72 kit out of the box to keep some painting-flow going before starting some more involved projects...
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WW2 Tanks, AFVs and vehicles
fikirler 18×Devam etmekte 1×Tamamlanan 26×Beklemede 1×Sırada bekleyen 1×
3 15 August 2023, 15:42