Albanian MiG-15UTI
- ölçek:
- 1:72
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
- Başlatılan:
- September 6, 2023
- Tamamlanan:
- November 12, 2023
Here is Hobbyboss' MiG-15UTI 'Midget' in 72 scale finished in Albanian Air Force markings from Blue Rider with some Pavla resin cockpit parts.
A few months ago I booked my wife and I a holiday in Albania and decided to celebrate by building this before we left. Naturally we returned from said holiday a month ago and I finished the model this week. Such is life.
I'm somewhat happy with how the build turned out. This was my first time:
• Using a riveting tool
• Scratch-building FOD covers
• Creating a patina with oil paints (see drop tanks)
Despite adding as much nose weight as possible (so much that it showed through the nose and I had to build those FOD covers) this darn thing is still a tail sitter. Most frustrating.
Pavla's resin seats, joysticks and instrument panels were very good, the replacement cockpit was unusable and mixing media created some serious fit issues. Lots of putty, sanding and swearing.
I would recommend this little kit from Hobbyboss if you're comfortable with good but not excellent levels of detail. It goes together quickly if you don't mess around like I did. Blue Rider decals are excellent. Pavla resin, however, is a minefield.
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