Matilda Mk.IIItaleri | 货号: 7035 | 1:72相关产品Detail and Conversion sets设计为: Same Product familyTracks for Matilda, "flat" type with additional grousersOKB Grigorov 1:72S72431 202? 新模具 设计为: GenericBritish 40 mm 2 pdr. tank Barrel for Matilda Mk.IIAber 1:7272L30 (72L-30) 2006 新模具 设计为: UnknownMatilda CDL conversionLonewulf Models 1:72LWP009 Decals设计为: GenericAfrica 1941-43 Part 1 Armo 1:7272430 多主题 (11)Lend-Lease VehiclesArmo 1:7272409 多主题 (8)基本信息Matilda Mk.IIItaleri 1:727035 2006 新贴花