Soviet Battleship Marat
Советский линкор «Марат»
Zvezda | 货号: 9052 | 1:350

Detail and Conversion sets
设计为: This specific kit

Wooden Deck & Masking Sheet for Russian Battleship Marat (for Zvezda 9052)
ArtwoxModel 1:350
AM10011A 2016 新模具 设计为: Same Product family

Detail set for "Sevastopol" 1914 y . w/o metal barells (Zvezda model kit)
North Star Models 1:350
Detail set for "Sevastopol" 1914 y. with metal barells (Zvezda model kit)
North Star Models 1:350
NSA350113 设计为: Generic

Sea Master 1:350 Series
Russian battleship Sevastopol armament 305mm (12pcs), 120mm (16pcs) Master 1:350
SM-350-071 多主题 (3)设计为: Unknown

Russian Imperial Battleship Poltava Wood Deck
BluewoxModel 1:350
305/52 Barrels for Russian MK-3-12 Ships Turret (Sevastopol, Imperatritsa Mariya)
North Star Models 1:350
NSA350301 多主题 (3)
Detail set for Russian ship "Poltava"
North Star Models 1:350
NSA350103 Masks
设计为: This specific kit
设计为: Generic

Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Гангут "Gangut" in Cyrillic Model Monkey 1:350
np-Gangut-2 2020 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Марат "Marat" in Cyrillic Model Monkey 1:350
np-Marat-2 2020 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Полтава "Poltava" in Cyrillic Model Monkey 1:350
np-Poltava-2 2020 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Севастополь "Sevastopol" in Cyrillic Model Monkey 1:350
np-Sevastopol-2 2020 新模具