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聊天主题开始于 seb2385

Sebastian Peter
22 12 April 2022, 19:31
Kyle DeHart
Lovely big bird! Nicely done.
 12 April 2022, 21:02
Villiers de Vos
Very nice.
 13 April 2022, 01:41
Lochsa River
sweet build...love the props
 13 April 2022, 03:18
Interesting camouflage, clean and careful work!
 13 April 2022, 08:08
Sebastian Peter 作者
Thank you guys!
 13 April 2022, 10:56
very impressive plane. Great work!!
 13 April 2022, 11:02
Guy Rump
very impressive modelling, congrats. 👍
 13 April 2022, 11:05
Mr James
Nice work. Agree with Trez on the weathering to finish it off
 11 June 2024, 23:35

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