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聊天主题开始于 Themongoose

Chris Vandegrift
36 11 June 2023, 01:03
Villiers de Vos
Nice progress.
 4 July 2023, 17:42
Dietmar Bogatzki
Awesome 👍
 4 January 2024, 06:20
Sam S
 4 January 2024, 06:54
Chris Vandegrift 作者
I'll make sure i keep the updates coming gang!
 5 January 2024, 02:33
Jennifer Franklin
 15 January 2024, 03:41
Jörg Schäfer
I'm there.
 15 January 2024, 06:24
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 19 January 2024, 08:56
Gary Victory
 31 January 2024, 07:22
Christian Lehmann
 26 February 2024, 05:33
Jennifer Franklin
love the stilts
2  26 February 2024, 11:40
Jörg Schäfer
A very excellent job.
1  8 January, 06:38
Jennifer Franklin
Going very nicely. That mast is amazing looking.
1  30 January, 03:09
Villiers de Vos
Very intricate work.
1  30 January, 05:39
Agree with Jennifer - following!
1  30 January, 20:22
A fun touch would be a jet engine up on a rack on the fantail, pissing everyone in aft berthing off while they let that thing rip at 0300.
 10 February, 05:19
Villiers de Vos
The interior looks good.
 10 February, 05:47
Chris Vandegrift 作者
Bossy you read my mind! I have the test shack in the works and several great pics of engines on stands in that area so I can make it all work!
 11 February, 23:18
Just need the guys in their racks with their pillows over their heads ( that didn't really help).
 12 February, 01:46

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